Monday 2 February 2015

How do the jackpots differ between free bingo and paid bingo sites?

Hearing the word “jackpot” often brings a warm smile to the lips of people, especially if they are fond of playing games of chance. However, “jackpot” can mean different things to different people. In the case of free bingo sites and paid bingo sites, would the differences in the jackpots offered be huge?

Understanding What Free Bingo Sites are about
Are you new to the world of online gambling? If you are, then its highly likely that at some point, you’ve been confused by the terminologies used in different sites where games of chance are featured.

For example, when you do a search for “online bingo” you’ll see plenty of sites that can be confusing to a newcomer. Some sites will tell you that you can join for free, play for free, and win for free. Totally, everything is for free.

On the other hand, some sites say that if you join, you’ll be given a free cash amount (varies, according to the site giving the freebie) to play free bingo. But then, you’ll need to make a deposit to continue playing.

Then, there are also sites that state outright that you need to pay a certain amount in order to play bingo.
So, it’s clear that there is a wealth of variations in the sites offering bingo games. Usually, the free bingo games are only free up to a certain point. Still, since they do offer a chance to play bingo for free, the same sites would most probably show up if you do a search for “free online bingo games.”
That’s why you need to be cautious when you’re thinking of trying out free sites for bingo. The definition of “free” can vary from one site to another.

Understanding Bingo Jackpots
Whether coming from a free site or a paid site, there are no fixed standards for bingo jackpots.

Prizes for free bingo sites can start from anywhere as low as $0.25, and climb up steadily depending on several factors which can include (as shown on one free site for bingo playing):

  • Whether a bingo game is played on the hour, every hour - this would make the jackpot known as a “Top of the Hour” prize. This is where $0.25 starting jackpots can be won.

  • Whether a bingo game is played at a certain time of the day, as determined by the site. The jackpot is then known as a “Top of the Day” prize, which can start at $2.00.

  • Whether a bingo game is played at a certain day of the week. The jackpot is then known as “Top of the Week” and the jackpot prize starts at $5.00

  • Whether a bingo game is played during the last day of the month. The jackpot is then known as “Top of the Month” and the jackpot prize starts at $10.00

As for paid bingo sites, the jackpot prizes are considerably bigger. In one online paid bingo site, for example, the progressive jackpot stated stood at £12,546.61
That’s indeed a far cry from a Top of the Month jackpot prize of $10.00 or approximately £6.64

Still, for many players, sometimes it’s not just about what profits can be made from playing. More than anything, it’s the fun and excitement that comes with playing paid bingo or free bingo that matters.